Does your pet like bath time? While Reya loves to play in water, she dreads bath time. Many of the grooming products for dogs on the market dry out her skin, and smell way too strong for her sensitive nose, leaving her dreading bath time. Even worse, they contain ingredients that are a bit frightening to her pet humans! As someone who doesn’t purchase pet products unless they rely on natural ingredients, I am very picky about what I use to bathe Reya. Recently, I was getting ready to purchase more shampoo and conditioner for Reya, when I was approached by John Paul Pet, asking if I would like to review some of their products. After researching their products, I was intrigued and couldn’t wait for Reya’s new bath products to arrive!
John Paul Pet: What Is It
Looking for high quality, pet grooming products that are safe for pets? if so, we think you will love John Paul Pet. Over 30 years ago, John Paul DeJoria, co-founder of John Paul Mitchell Systems, revolutionized the salon industry by banning animal testing on all of their hair care products. He and his experts brought the same research and in-depth expertise they use for humans, to pets. Each of their products is specially designed for pet grooming, using only natural, botanical ingredients, and having a PH balance that is designed especially for pets so that they don’t cause skin irritation, even in the most sensitive of breeds. They are so confident that their products are safe that all of their products are tested on humans first, to ensure that they are effective and safe for all pets. With such amazing products, bath time will be more enjoyable and rewarding for pets and their owners!
John Paul Pet: Overall
For the review, we were able to try the Awapoochi Shampoo and Awapoochi Conditioner, along with the John Paul Pet Grooming Set. After trying out these products, I have to say that I am a major fan. They smell absolutely delightful, and Reya’s fur looks awesome. Not only is it soft and smooth, but she truly has the most beautiful shine. Her fur seems much softer even a few days after the bath, which seems like a much plus for pet owners. Now, if only Reya would stay clean over the long term! Needless to say, I am delighted with these products, and will likely be purchasing more when my set runs out. Based on my own experience with John Paul Pet products, I am delighted to give their products an A rating!
John Paul Pet: Where to purchase
Would you like to purchase these wonderful pet care products for your favorite pet? You can find John Paul Pet products at your local Petsmart, Petco, or groomer. You can also see if it is sold at a local groomer near you on the John Paul Pet store locator.
John Paul Pet: Giveaway
Want to try these pet products for yourself? We are delighted to be working with John Paul Pet on this awesome giveaway, where one of our lucky readers will win a John Paul Grooming Pack! To learn more, make sure to read the rules below and then enter through the Rafflecopter!

Groom My Pup Sweepstakes
- One lucky reader will win a John Paul Pet Grooming Pack.
- Open to US Only.
- Winners will be chosen at random through Rafflecopter via
- Sweepstakes ends May 1st at 11:59pm ET.
- Winner will be notified via email.
- Winner will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.
- Budget Earth is not responsible for prize fulfillment.
- Must be 18 years or older to enter Rafflecopter.
- Only one entrant per household.
- Void where prohibited.
- Entering the Rafflecopter means you agree to terms above.
- Good Luck!
Disclosure: Budget Earth did not receive compensation but did receive products for review purposes. All opinions on this product are my own and may differ from our readers’ opinions. Facebook, Twitter, & Pinterest are in no way associated with this sweepstakes. Prize fulfillment will be handled by sponsor.
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I have not tried their products yet. But would love to
wow how spiffy professional quality hair products for pets very cool. Does he do hair dyes for pets? That would be fun, I have 2 black cats hard ta tell them apart, I would love ta dye one with a pink mohawk, lol
I would love to win because I like the best for my dog and my cats. I trust them for me, so I would trust them for my animals.
I love that they use only natural ingredients! I would love to use these products on my dog!
My dogs together are a tactile sensation. Vlad’s wiry & slightly rough, and Barkly feel silky. Anything that would make Barkly silkier like Reya sounds like it’s right up my alley.
It is worth a try! Reya’s fur is normally a bit on the wirey side, except for her undercoat. This stuff really did a great job!
I have never tried them but would love to. I’m always looking for something new!
John Paul products seem to be pretty professional. I would not feel uneasy putting this product on my dogs.
I think it looks like a neat set. It is something that would help me with taking care of my dog.
Their products look awesome. I def want to try them because I take my dog to the beach every day and she smells kinda fishy.
I would love to try these for my two beloved dachsies!
I have not tried it yet. However, I would like to try it for my precious Milton!
We would like to try the products because our Labradoodle sheds hair like no other dog I have ever seen. Our Corgi, Louie needs grooming but nothing compared to Dutch,the Labradoodle.
I like that they are tested on humans first. I am a big John Paul Mitchell fan. I have used his products for years. Itnis great that they put out a pet grooming kit. I especially lije that they think about your pet. They only use natural botanical ingredients and it wont cause skin irritations.
I’ve tried the wipes and they were good. With five dogs and a cat, I definitely need all of the grooming supplies I can get! 🙂
We have two sweet girls we adopted 8 months ago soon they are our pride and joys. I have been using this product on my dogs and it amazing it would be really helpful to win. Thanks for the chance!
Layla loves to roll in nasty smelling things (we try to prevent this but sometimes she is just too quick – LOL) With John Paul, I know she would be using quality products and that is important. Too much garbage on the market today – quality is very important.
I haven’t tried these products but given the review I sure would like too! I have 2 dogs that I groom myself and the products sound great!!
They really are amazing! My only suggestions is don’t make the mistake I did! I am used to having to use half a bottle of shampoo on our large dog and wasn’t expecting it to REALLY be concentrated. It took me a half hour to get all the soap off of Reya. Thank goodness it has all safe ingredients 🙂
I haven’t tried these products before but they sound great. I have four small dogs and would love to try it.
I am sure the quality of these products is excellent and I can’t wait to try them on my little Maltese, Marley. He loves bath time!
OMG awapoochi my mom will flip. I need to win this!
I love that it’s all-natural – I worry about some of the products out there for dogs! It’s also nice that you can get it at normal pet supply stores. Thanks for the giveaway!
We used to use John Paul at beauty shop where I worked
I had a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier,and I use to use the
Awaupui shampoo on her coat,and it was beautiful.SCWT coat is
very hard to keep up this was before they came out with the
pet products.I still use on my hair,so I know it’s good.
Now have 2 gran-dogs SWCT and would love to use on them.
I haven’t had the pleasure of using the pet products yet but I trust this brand. It’s hard to find quality products for dogs.
I haven’t tried their products yet, but I would like to! My dogs require regular brushing & grooming, so this would be great for us!
I have a short haired pointer who sheds terribly. It sounds like the grooming products would really help reduce her shedding 🙂
I haven’t tried them before but would love too! I heard amazing reviews!
I had no idea John Paul had a pet product line. I’d love to try this shampoo and conditioner because my long-hair Chihuahua has really sensitive skin. It’s been a struggle to find a product that works for him. Oatmeal based products only do so much. *sigh*
I love Paul Mitchell products for me so I’m sure it will b awesome for my dogs. All 3 of my dogs are white are white and its so hard to make there coats shine and I think this may help.
I have not tried these products, but its something I definitely want to try! I think these look like great products to clean my dog and also help his hair stay healthy and shiny!
I have not yet tried your products. Would love to win and give you a real review.
I am so happy that it is all natural.
John Paul is a professional company I can trust.
The products are as described & my dogs love them.
So we are happy.
Hello! I think these products sound really good! I would love to have a quality product to help my boxer boy Neo’s fur be soft, shiny, and more healthy. Thanks for the review!
I would have no problem using this on my dogs,and I love the fact they do not
test on animals,I am so against that.I would love to get my
gran-doggies fur in condition,so they could be brushed more,and less going to the groomer.
I think the John Paul for Pets looks great. I want to win it so my cat can have smooth and silky fur.
I think this is a great product and is safe for pets
I have two precious Dogs. One Pug and One yorkie. They both need to be groomed a lot. The Pug Brushed and the Yorkie combed. I would be so excited to try The John Paul Shampoo & Conditioner on them. They need some Lustre to their fur. Thankyou !! Have a Great Day!!
i never heard of this product but it would be amazing to try out and i want it for my pet pom since she has a furball of hair lol
I think John Paul pet is awesome I found this on their websit Waterless Foam Shampoo which is perfect for my 3 dogs, sometimes it takes too much to give them a bath but they need a cleaning this is awesome stuff!! I would love to win this for my dogs because anything that makes bathtime easier for my dogs is a welcome help to me!
To be honest I have never used pet products. BUT I would love to try them because I love Paul mitchell products for ME! So the pets must be great too.
I think these products are great and will be wonderful for my pet’s hair and skin!
I like that a reputable company has made these products, rather than someone I never heard of. I feel animals are like people and they feel better when they are taken care of.
I do rescue & recently got a little mixed breed that came from a puppy mill. I usually get larger dogs & really don’t know that much about grooming other than just a quick bath. This little dog has multiple problems, skin, teeth, eyes, so regular soap is out. I am going to give this a try.
We currently have a wonderful teacup pomeranian as a doggie member of our family. Growing up I only had outside dogs and never thought much about grooming but with a pomeranian that sleeps in our bed we have to devote a lot of time and thought to grooming. We are always looking for new grooming products and I would trust that John Paul products would be very high quality. I hope I get to try them out!
This sounds like just what I have been looking for. I have a long haired dog and I really want something good to groom her with.
I love the John Paul Pet Products because they clean extremely well. The conditioner also does a great job of preventing tangles during blow drying.
My pooch deserves some pampering. This set is great.
They are good for my pet, and not harsh.
We have a Golden Retriever and right now she is shedding her winter coat and what a mess. There is hair everywhere! At least our entire downstairs is tile so easy to dust mop up. But would love to have her looking beautiful!
John Paul products have a great reputation for quality. I would love to give them a try on my Border Collie.
I would love to try this on my border collie! She is 13 years old and has very sensitive skin, so trying to find something that doesn’t irritate her skin is hard to do!
i think they seem like really good products would love to try them. my dog needs this cause she smells a lot when she comes inside
I have not tried John Paul yet. I am always looking for a good pet shampoo and conditioner that won’t irritate my dog’s skin.
we have 3 dogs and our springer spaniel loves to get in the weeds and water and get her long hair all tangled up and it is hard to get all that out.we cut her hair in summer time because it gets so long and she gets so this would be great to use on all our dogs.
I love the quality of John Paul products. I know if they are as good as they are on hair, then the Pet products will be amazing to use on my dog
John Paul knows pets. I only know I have to feed it and bathe it. It’s nice to have someone who knows provide a kit available to save me time.
I like how the products are natural and great quality. I have heard good things about their products.
I would love to try these products. I have 3 big dogs and it would be a great way to take care of their hygiene needs.
I would love to win this because I am the one who grooms my pomeranian. Most of my friends don’t understand this, they take their pets in and pay someone else to do it. I love spending the time with my puppy, he needs to be taken care of often because the weather changes back and forth from hot to cold ~ and his coat goes from shedding to filling in, in just a matter of a day ~ then his coat gets matted. It would just cost way too much to pay someone else.
I have tried the pet wipes and they work so well that I am looking forward to trying these. Ralphie loves when I bathe him & brush him
i have a white english bulldog, and i would love to try the Super Bright Shampoo to whiten his coat!
I use John Paul for hair so I’m intrigued to try the pet line.
My dog would love it.