As a college student, textbooks are one of the most expensive items that must be purchased. Books can cost several hundred dollars apiece, and new ones need to be bought before each semester starts. Needless to say, the money spent on textbooks really adds up.
But with increasing awareness of high book costs and the many students who struggle to pay for them, there are always new ways to save money on textbooks. Digital books are one of the best options available right now, and here are a few reasons why:
- Earth-Friendly
The biggest difference between a digital textbook and a traditional one is that they’re paperless. Many print textbooks waste paper because they are never used after a class is over, but digital textbooks save trees because they do not need to be printed. For college students, who are often very focused on sustainability and being green, this is a huge plus.
- Budget-Friendly
Since e-books don’t require printing, they are usually available for a much lower price than print textbooks. While a tablet, e-reader, or laptop is required to read the book, these should be looked at as long term investments; once you buy the technology, you will save money each time you choose a digital book over the print version.
3. Portable
Printed textbooks can be heavy, causing back pain and wearing you out while walking between classes. Digital books, though, can be accessed via a small device like a tablet or e-reader. Overall, they are easy to carry and manage, and don’t take up space like a print textbook would.
- Advanced Technology
Some might argue that only printed textbooks allow you to take notes and highlight important information. Digital books, however, often come with options to search for keywords, flip to certain sections, and even highlight right in the book. While a print version would quickly become full of marks, you can easily modify your notes in a digital book. These features allow you to study and take notes the same way you can with a traditional textbook.
- Immediately Available
When you visit your school store, you may find that the print textbook is out of stock. Since digital textbooks are still gaining traction among students, they are often more readily available. Once you buy them, you can immediately load them onto your tablet or laptop for reading.
While it is unlikely that print textbooks will die out anytime soon, digital textbooks are becoming increasingly popular among college students. As a money-saving, green option, try giving them a shot the next time you shop for textbooks.
About the Author
Lindsay T. is a recent college graduate living in the Chicago area. She currently writes for Skyo, an online site that helps college students save money with cheap textbooks and flexible rental options. Visit Skyo to learn more about how to buy textbooks online.
I love this idea. Easier to carry and less stress on your body.
I used to carry all my books with my while I was in college and my shoulders pop in and out of joint a lot.
My better 1/2 is working on her Masters and tried to find digital text books. (She loves her Kindle) but the prices were twice as much as used paper text books. Even the digital rentals didn't line up, she would not have had the books for the last 2 weeks of class… There is definitely room for improvement – I know if she could have used digital she would have — she spends about 4 hours a night reading books on her Kindle…
For some people an electronic textbook is great but I do better with the physical book.
And Oh, so back-friendly! I wish I was attending college now – I had so many large textbooks in college ad grad school I am sure I did damage to my back hauling them all over campus!
I think the days of having large textbooks and dictionaries are passed. It is so much easier and eco friendly to have them loaded to your computer or tablet.